The new season is underway!

Posted on 6 April 2021

The 2021 Fantasy Baseball UK season got going on 1 April. Around 120 managers set up their fantasy baseball teams in the main game, which is about twice as many as last year and around 80% of last year’s managers are returning for another season. Teams in the main game are split into one of nine divisions, roughly based on regions of the UK.

The Limited Trade Game also returned after missing out 2020, with slightly over 30 teams split across two divisions.

In each game the standings are combined to give overall standings across the two formats. The Standings section of the website has been updated so you can now view all the various divisions in one place plus the combined overall standings for the main game and Limited Trade Game.

We’ll be posting updates during the season here on the website and in the email newsletter.

Thanks for playing and good luck for the season!